BBC Earth Screening Festival

Join us for a spectacular evening amidst the lush greenery of Gardens by the Bay!

Saturday 28th October 2023, 5:30pm – 9:00pm, Gardens by the Bay


Gather your family and friends and join us at the BBC Earth Screening Festival on Saturday 28 October 2023, 5.30pm to officially launch Planet Earth III.

Don’t miss this chance to preview the first episode of Planet Earth III, <…

Video highlight

BBC Earth Screening Festival 2023

BBC Earth seeks to inspire audiences by sharing the incredible wonders of our universe. The channel showcases the work of the world’s foremost factual film-makers and it seeks to take audiences on a thrilling journey of discovery.

From the smallest creature under the microscope to the limitless expanses of space, BBC Earth brings viewers face-to-face with heart-pounding action, mind-blowing ideas and the wonder of being human.

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